Processes can be copied in viflow in two ways: within a process graphic or in the tree structure, for example in the "Process Structure" window. Please note the following information on the basic differences:
Important note on copying processes
When copying and pasting processes within a graphic, no new processes are created, only further uses (i.e. instances) of existing processes. The properties of the process are also copied. If you paste the copied process into another graphic, only the global (not the local) properties are adopted, the name remains the same.
Important: Changes to the name or other master data affect all uses/instances of the process.
If a process is copied and pasted into the tree structure – e.g. in the "Process Structure" window – a new process is created that cannot have the same name. The copied process receives the previous name plus a consecutive number in brackets, e.g. "Order processing (1)". If you rename this process or change other master data, this only applies to the new process.
The behavior described here also applies to the other viflow main objects Areas and Information!
As an alternative to copying and pasting via the context menu, you can also use the keyboard shortcuts CTRL + C / CTRL + V or the Copy and Paste buttons in the viflow Start menu.
Copying processes in the tree structure
Copying processes can be done in the following views or windows:

Explorer {{1}}
Process Structure window {{2}}
- Window Overview {{3}}
- Window Processes {{4}}
We recommend and use the Process Structure window in this description. Proceed as follows:
- Open the Process Structure window via the viflow menu View {{2}}.
- Right-click the process you want to copy and select Copy from the context menu {{5}}.
- Right-click in the window (not on a process!) and select Paste {{6}} in the context menu.
The copied process is inserted – here Order processing (1) – and appears at the top level in the Process Structure window {{7}}.
All other global properties of the process are retained.
- Now change the name and other properties of the process if necessary.
Behavior of the subprocesses
The process is copied, including any existing subprocesses, and inserted as a new (process) object. The subprocesses are not created as new objects, but are further uses/instances of the previously existing (process) objects.
Example: If you delete three subprocesses from Order processing (1), they remain in Order processing because the graphics are different objects.
Copying processes in a graphic
- Open the graphic and select the process you want to copy.
- Right-click the process shape and select Copy {{1}} from the context menu.
- Right-click on the graphic (not on a process!) and select Paste {{2}} in the context menu.
The process is inserted into the graphic {{3}}, the global and local properties of the process are adopted.
Behavior of the subprocesses
The process is copied, including any existing subprocesses, and inserted as a new (process) object. The subprocesses are not created as new objects, but are further uses/instances of the previously existing (process) objects.
Example: If you open the process graphic of the copied process and delete three subprocesses there, these will also be removed from the graphic of the original process, since the graphics are the same objects.