Applies to: viflow tracker | Article: 2371997 | Updated on 22.01.2024
In the viflow tracker interface, click on the Administration button at the top right. In the menu on the left you will find the item Users under System.
Manage users
You can add new users in the user management. In addition, if you are logged in as the main administrator, you can change and manage user details and set and manage permissions.
You can manage user management individually for each WebModel and specifically control the authorizations.
There are preset roles for permissions:
- Opinion
- Write
- Administrator
- No access
If you are logged in as a primary administrator, you can give a user the primary administrator role. The special thing here is that as the main administrator you are not tied to a WebModel.
You can also see when the last login (Last Seen) took place, whether the status is active or inactive and whether 2-factor authentication (2FA) is set.
The default user viflow has the rights of the main administrator.