Personal settings
Applies to: viflow tracker | Article: 2371996 | Updated on 22.01.2024
In the viflow tracker interface, click on the Administration button at the top right. In the menu on the left you will find Settings and Security under Personal.
Under Personal, click Settings to open the Personal Settings window.
In this window you can make the following entries/settings:
- User name
- E-mail address
- Language
- Time format
Under Report that loads by default, you can choose whether to load the dashboard of all WebModels or a specific WebModel at startup. In the latter option you can set the WebModel.
If you want to display a specific period or day, make your choice under Report Date, which should be opened by default.
If you want your visits to be ignored by the tracker, click on the link below under Exclude your visits from being recorded via cookies.
Click Security to change the password.