Applies to: viflow tracker | Article: 2371988 | Updated on 22.01.2024
If you click on Dashboard – Behavior, you can access a total of six different widgets. Widgets that have already been selected are marked with a checkmark in the list and displayed in blue.
If you no longer want previously activated widgets to appear, close the widget by clicking the [X] icon in the top right.
The following widgets are available under Behavior:
Graphics / entry graphics / exit graphics
These widgets show the URLs of the graphics viewed, the graphic views with dwell time, bounce and exit rate and the page load time.
If you click on the links or URLs, the corresponding page will open in the WebModel.
In the Entry Graphics and Exit Graphics widgets, only the graphics with which the WebModel was opened or exited are listed. For more information, hover over the icons in each row and select Open Transitions, Open Page Overlay, Open Segmented Visit Log, Open Page Performance Report, or Open Row Development.
Title of the exit graphic
In contrast to the Exit Graphics widget, in the Exit Graphic Title widget you see the names of the respective graphics and not the URLs.
The percentage exit rate, the percentage exits, the graphic views and the loading times are also displayed.
For more information, hover over the icons in each row and select Open Transitions, Open Page Overlay, Open Segmented Visit Log, Open Page Performance Report, or Open Row Development .
Graphic names
This widget shows the names of the graphics viewed, the graphic views with dwell time, bounce and exit rate and the page load time.
For more information, hover over the icons in each row and select Open Transitions, Open Page Overlay, Open Segmented Visit Log, Open Page Performance Report, or Open Row Development.
In the Transitions widget you can see in detail from where (e.g. from an internal search) and from which graphics the respective page was accessed and which pages were subsequently accessed and in what way.
At the top of the widget, you can choose whether to display graphic names or URLs under Action Type. Under Top 100 labels, select the graphic whose transitions should be viewed.